My sweet Wesleigh is so dang smart. He never ceases to amaze by how smart he is and the things that he does. On the top of his amazing list of accomplishments would be potty training. At this point, he is doing AMAZING!! We still have the occasional pee accident, but those are few and far between. He actually has most of his pee accidents when he is in time out!! Ya think that’s acting out???????? In the past 2 weeks he has make HUGE progress with pooping in the potty. The boys and I were at my parent’s house last week, and that is where he really started consistently pooping in the potty. He actually started telling me he needed to poop in the potty while we were there!! Prior to that, I was SO sick of cleaning poo out of undies and off the floor, and down the legs!! I can actually see why people end up putting their kids in pull-ups, because cleaning up poo accidents is nasty and frustrating, but I REFUSED to just put him in a pull up because it was easier for me!! We still have an occasional poo accident, but for the most part, we are pooping in the potty everyday. And, most of those days, he comes and tells us he needs to go. I am so incredibly proud of him!! I LOVE not changing 2 kid’s diapers all day! He wears a diaper at nap time and a diaper at bed time. He wakes up from nap time with a dry diaper on most days, so we can use the same dry diaper over and over. LOVE that!! He is actually talking more all the time. It is so nice to have him communicating rather than whining or crying to get what he wants! I is truly evolving into more of a human everyday!! He loves to play outside and loves to swing. He pulls stickers in the yard with daddy and just follows him around like a puppy dog!
My fabulous little over achiever, Ethan has added a few new tricks to his little bag of adventures as well. He learned how to pull himself to a standing position, and he does it constantly. Unfortunately that means that he is constantly falling!! He hits his head a million times a day. He still loves to smile and anything in the world makes him smile. He totally loves to eat! He likes baby food more than his formula, but is still getting plenty of formula. He is starting to get tastes of table food. Little pieces of bread, cheese, potatoes and other yummy stuff have been introduced and he loves it! He started eating yogurt and loves it. Just this week he has been introduced to puffs. He is a huge fan of the puffs! His crawling skills are improving and he is getting faster and more adventurous. We had just recently gotten to the point where we could leave our bedroom door and other “no no” rooms open and Wesleigh wouldn’t wander away. Well, guess what…Ethan is wandering away now!! He goes exploring all the time and he is so quick!! I love to see him exploring his world and learning new things. He has also figured out how to find his brother and he likes to attack him. He will pounce him and get 2 handfuls of his shirt and hang on for dear life. This of course, royally ticks Wesleigh off. It is truly hilarious!! Eventually Wesleigh wiggles his way out and gets away, but he is hollering and complaining the whole time! After all the tormenting he has done to Ethan over the past 6 months, I think it is great that Ethan is finally getting him back!!
I could write about those boys forever, because they are totally amazing, and both learning new and wonderful things everyday. But, I have both paid and unpaid work to get accomplished and Ethan is napping, so I better run along!! Enjoy the pictures, hopefully I will get around to it again a little sooner!!