Friday, May 8, 2009

It's All Over...But the Fun is Just Beginning!

My parents came in this weekend. My dad owed me a "rain check" on coming to Del Rio to help with household projects. Little did he know, he should have come the first time, the projects would have been a lot easier!! But, since he needed a rain check due to obligations on the farm, it put him here just in time for my birthday and for building the playset!! So, I ordered they come this weekend and bring his drill!

That is exactly what he did! Our wonderful neighbors, Pat and Clif joined the building fun, and we certainly couln't have done it without them.

When we opened the directions for the playset, it said that it would take 2 moderately skilled workers 20-24 hours to complete!! YIKES!! Dad, Clif, and Jim worked for about 2 hours on Friday night. Then, they started about 8:30ish on Saturday morning and worked until about 6:30 Saturday night. Mom and I worked to sort out the billions of pieces of wood. Each piece of wood had a tiny stamp on it with a letter and a number. So, we organized the wood, handed wood up as the guys read the instructions!! Yep, I said read the instructions. They truely had no choice on this one!! So, we handed boards and hardware to the guys most of the day. After lunch, Pat, Mom and I helped compete some little side projects to speed things along. We built the ladder, the rock wall, and the monkey bars and monkey bar ladder. A lot got completed on Saturday, but it took about 4-5 hours to finish things up on Sunday.

We appreciate all the help and are glad the project is complete. The kids love it, and I look forward to many years of fun, and hopefully minimal broken limbs!!

With the new sand and the pool that Gran bought, the kids thought they were at the beach!
He pooped Sand for 2 days!
They had a blast. I had to hose them off before they could get in the bath that night!
Gran, I think it was money WELL spent!!The completed project. Note the observation chairs that were frequently occupied by the ladies!
Monkey bars...Guy's favorite.
Here's the problem though. Wesleigh has learned how to very quickly and efficiently climb the ladder. HOWEVER, he thinks that if he rolls over on his tummy and lowers his legs over the side where the monkey bar opening is, that he can get down! HA, it is at least a 6 foot drop!! Crazy kid!
years of fun to come
My pictures are a bit out of order...sorry, but they are still working!
This was early Saturday morning.
getting closer to finished
Still Saturday morning.
My dad and Ethan, napping on the porch!
All the hardware...INSANE
Dad and Wesleigh laying out the first 4 boards...

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Holy Cow!Thats a lot of pieces! Looks like fun!