Thursday, January 8, 2009

OB Appointment! Ethan's Still Cookin!!

Well, yesterday my mom, Wesleigh, and I had an all day adventure in San Antonio. Wesleigh had an eye doctor appointment and I had an OB appointment. I will have a post about Wesleigh's eyes before the day is up...

Ethan is doing very well. He continues to grow right on target, has a heart rate of 140 bpm and is looking forward to his debut!!

Around week 35 in pregnancy they do a test/culture that is looking for a bacteria call Group B Strep. Basically it is a virus that lies dormant in a woman's body, causing her no problems or symptoms whatsoever, but, if a baby passes through the birth canal that is infected with Group B Strep without treatment it can cause many problems, including blindness, and death. In know how they fill a newborns eyes full of goup? That is the reason they do it. Anyway, when I was pregnant with Wesleigh, I tested positive for Group B Strep, and basically all that means is that you get 4 rounds of IV antibiotics while in labor before giving birth, then the pediatricians just watch the baby for any signs of big deal. So, anyway, they did my Group B Strep culture yesterday...we won't discuss the details of what that entails...but lets just say it is over. Regardless of the results, I will still be given antibiotics during labor, but the pediatrician monitors the baby differently if I test positive again.

The doctor decided that I didn't have to go in for an appointment next week, but then the next week he wants to see me, however he is on vacation so I have to see one of his colleagues. He told me not to go into labor while he was on vacation, and I told him just to get his vacation over with so that he is back before anything crazy does happen!! He checked my cervix and I am dilated to a fingertip...which translates to almost 1 cm. I am suppossed to call him on Monday so that we can set a definately induction date, which will most likely be on February 4th!!! Stay tuned for the definate info on that!! He absolutely does NOT want me going into labor by myself because he thinks that my labor will go fast, and he doesn't want me on the road in labor, even if I am only an hour and a half away now!! He feels very confident that when we induce it will go quickly and smoothly!! Yippee for that!!

So, I have approximately 26 more days of sharing my body with Ethan, then, it will be all mine again, FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

ArmyforChrist said...

So, wait, if I read that last line correctly, it means no more little ones??? No trying for a little girl, huh?