Sunday, February 22, 2009

Time for an Update!!!

Daddy and the boys!! Wesleigh has major jealously issues when it comes to Daddy!! This was progress!! This was last week sometime!!

Ethan is 18 days old today, and it seriously feels like he has been a part of the family for a lot longer than that. Have I mentioned that he is a good baby? He isn't the awful baby that so many people warned me I had coming because Wesleigh was always a good baby. I consider myself BEYOND blessed to have 2 wonderful, peaceful, mellow, happy, and most importantly HEALTHY baby boys. Being their mommy every day is the greatest gift God could have given me.

Jim has been off work since the day before we went to the hospital to have Ethan. So, needless to say I have had lots of help around the house and especially with Wesleigh. BUT, that is ALL about to change tomorrow, when at 5:20 AM Jim leaves the house to head back to life in the real world!! You see, I just don't think that the Government would continue to give us a pay check if he doesn't go back to I guess that leaves me and the boys to figure out a daily routine on our own!! Thankfully Wesleigh still takes 2 naps a day, at least for the time being. Ethan still sleeps a lot and is doing very well on his new formula. Wesleigh is still loving giving Ethan kisses, stealing his pacifer, and sneaking in a hit every now and then!! Ethan just rolls with it...thank goodness!!

I want to get some pictures of the 2 of them together, but Wesleigh wants to be around Ethan on Wesleigh's terms, not on mine, so it is still rather interesting!!

So, in the week and a half or so since I posted last, here is what has changed for the boys...
- His umbilical cord fell off, so now he is enjoying his nice, warm baths every night!
- He had a 2 week check-up where he weighed 7 lbs 6 ounces...which is up 7 ounces from his birth weight. He is now 20 inches long, he was 19 and 7/8 inches at birth.
- He met Jim's grandma, Ma, for the first time and spent some great time hanging out with her and Gran and G-Pa when they came to visit us in Del Rio.
- He traveled to Beeville for the first time to meet my grandparents, his great grandparents.
- He slept for 6 hours straight ONE night. Around hour 6 I woke up, woke Jim up and asked him what time he last fed the baby, and he said he didn't, so we both JUMPED out of bed to make sure he was still breathing!! It was a ONE time occurance!!
- He is laying here on the floor beside me as I type this, I had him on his tummy for tummy-time, and he wasn't happy about it, so he just rolled from his tummy to his back and now he is perfectly happy!!
- He has learned to LOVE his swing, and so do I!!


- He learned to climb up his slide all by himself and slide down!! We have only had one or two falls!!
- Everyday he loves being outside a little more than the last!
- His little pinky finger-nail finally fell off...from the whole...finger smashed in the door incident! more black fingernail!!
- He says new words every day...not that we don't still wear the old ones out!!
- He too got to spend lots of time loving on and being loved on by Gran and G-Pa and Ma when they came to visit.
- He had a great time in Beeville, of course, after living there for so long while Jim was in New Mexico, he thinks he owns the place, as well as owning Nana and Grandpa!!
- Much to his daddy's dismay, Wesleigh is in this crazy phase, where he LOVES to get my purse and put it over his arm, blow a kiss, and head toward the door and wave bye bye!! Jim says that Wesleigh spent too much time with me and my mom, and it drives him crazy!! He has this little bucket that he will do the same thing with!! He will put some blocks and other "boy" things in it, then carry it like a purse, blow a kiss, and wave bye bye!! I know it is just a phase he will soon outgrow, but it drives his daddy bonkers!! I don't worry about it, because he is SO boy, it isn't even funny!!
As for the rest of us, we are doing well. Guy and Jaedyn were here for the weekend. We had a good time, we went to church this morning, and I think it may be the first time they have been to church since before we left for New Mexico. Their mom hasn't stepped foot inside a church since we were in the middle of the custody battle.
I feel great, am very glad to not be pregnant anymore!! Jim has been working like a madman the past 2 days, because our new washer and dryer finally came in, so that was a major project that is still going on as we speak!!

We will be spending some extra time at church this week, as they are having revival services all week long. The evangelist that is speaking is a very good family friend of Jim's family, and I believe that he has known Jim most of his life. He really enjoyed seeing us this morning, and meeting all the kids!! There are still people at church who look at us in disbelief when they see us with another baby. I guess since we left town for almost 6 months, then came back with another baby, some of them didn't even know we were pregnant again!! My pregnancy was so quick and easy for them!! :-)

Enjoy the pictures!!
We actually bought some fresh corn on the cob at WalMart last week...this farm girl doesn't buy corn at the store very often, but it looked and felt I bought it, and it was GREAT!!! This is Wesleigh finishing off one of our cobs!!These pictures were taken last Sunday. We were hanging out outside! He LOVES to be outside. This swing is on our back porch. After we finished swinging, we went on an adventure walk, he had a blast. Curious little boys, the simpliest things amaze them!!
This is when Ma met Ethan for the first time!! She really enjoyed meeting him and spending lots of time cuddling with him!
This is the "hat" that Grandaddy made for Wesleigh out of the paper bow thingy that came off of his Russel Stover Valentine's Candy!!
This is Wesleigh ENJOYING the piece of chocolate Grandaddy let him have!!
Grandaddy's first chance to love on Ethan!!
This was the first time MawMaw met Ethan! He stayed in that spot (her arms) for the rest of the afternoon! She gave him 2 bottles, and they enjoyed cuddling!!
Grandma meeting Ethan!! She too just sat and cuddled him through the whole visit!! Her and Ethan were both as happy as could be!! She likes to hold them as much as she can when they are this size and don't wiggle much!! Once they get bigger, she mostly just watches them play, because they are hard to hang on to!!

Isn't this face pathetic!! Sweet, rotten child!

I took this picture while I was typing this post!! He is so stinkin' strong!!

This is my new washer and dryer!! I LOVE IT!!! It is fixing a major space issue that we had in our laundry room. It has been a major undertaking. We had to remove 2 cabinets in order to stack them, and at some point, those two cabinets will be rehung, on the opposite wall. That is at some point after my husband finishes the water softener/filter issue that we have going on at the moment. He is about ready to pull all his hair out at the moment!!!


Jaime said...

Sounds like you have two way cute little ones! I can't believe he rolls himself like that! Congrats again!

Dacia said...

so good to hear it is possible to have 2 good babies...we can only hope. :-)