Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We are Off to Meet Ethan!!!!!

Well, we are spending the first part of the day with Mr. Wesleigh. He is enjoying hanging with his main man, his daddy! He has really missed him! We will lay him down for his afternoon nap at 2 pm and Jim and I will head to San Antonio! Silly Jim forgot his shoes...all he has with him are his work/combat boots!! LOVELY!! So, we will have to make a pitstop for some more appropriate shoes!
We check into the hospital around 4:30, then we will know what kind of induction we are set to do. Depending on my cervix this evening, I may get Cervidil tonight, and start pitocin around 6 am or, I may start pitocin at midnight!! Hopefully we will meet Mr. Ethan early on Wednesday!!
Please pray for me as I am leaving my sweet Wesleigh for the first time. I know he will be fine, Nana and Grandpa have become such a HUGE part of his life since we have been living here the past month. Hopefully it won't be too traumatic for him!!
We will be doing most of our updating via phone...mostly text messaging. So, if you would like a text message, then, I need your number!! I am hoping the hospital will have WiFi, but we will have to wait and see!!
Pray for us, and I can't wait to introduce you to Ethan!!!!!!!!


Dacia said...

yay!! congrats...I'm so excited for you. my prayers are with you today!!

Niki said...

Yea!!! I am so excited for you! Wesleigh will be fine. I think is so much more traumatic for the mommy than the child. I cried for days when I had to leave Addie for a weekend and she didn't seem to miss a beat! See you soon!


Jaime said...

YAY! I can't wait to meet Ethan! Let us know as soon as you can on WTE! I'll be thinking about you guys!

(BTW-We are 1cm, softened and dropped into position!)