Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Becoming My Mother!!??

I mentioned in the last post that our church was having revival services this week...well, that has made the week a bit more stressful and busy, but, so far we have survived, and tonight is the last night. Well, each evening at 5:30 they have had a meal, then the services start at 6:30. The meal has been a great time of fellowship with our church family that we have sorely missed over the past 6 months! On Monday night it was Pizza, then last night they had a Chili cookoff. I'm not much of a Chili fan, so I have never attempted to make Chili, and I was just planning on taking some cornbread instead. Well, yesterday morning I decided that I was going to attempt Chili. I put out a plea on facebook for a recipe, I got one later in the day (thanks Alice), but by then, I had already started my experiement. I shopped around on the internet, read a few recipes, then dove in head first. By the time Jim got home, I thought my Chili was tasting pretty darn good. Of course, he thought it needed more spice, I let him add a few speckles of spice to apease him, but really not enough to make a difference, because afterall, I was the cook, and I thought it was great!

All that to say...out of 13 pots of Chili that were judged...I WON!!!!!!! I was in shock, so much so that I laughed!! I didn't make a whole lot, because when it comes to potluck type of things, I usually take a bit more than what my family would that is what I did. After I won, everyone wanted to taste the winning chili and my little bitty pot made me look really cheap!!! Then to add insult to injury, people were asking me for the recipe, and that is when I realized that I had become my mother!!! For years now, I have cursed my mom for not having recipes for some of the things she makes...and here I was, without a recipe for something yummy!!! Yikes!!

This is just a cheese-ball picture I snapped this morning. In his hand is a "snack-trap" is a bowl that has a little rubber lid on it with flaps for him to stick his hand in and pull something out, without being able to spill the whole bowl. I bought them for him a LONG time ago, but he couldn't use them then, or wouldn't use them. I put KIX in one this morning, showed him how to use it, and he LOVED it!! It will be great to have them in the car, as well as letting him have a snack in it without worrying about him making a huge mess all over the house. If he does accidently drop one, he picks it up and eats it!!

This morning I got brave and decided to try and get some pictures of the boys together. I really didn't figure it would work, so they are just in their PJ's, maybe I will try again sometime soon with them dressed cute!! Wesleigh actually sat there for a few minutes with Ethan in his lap, but when he was done, he proceeded to push Ethan's head off of him, then tried to use Ethan's belly as leverage to stand up!! :-) Don't worry, I saved Ethan!!

Wesleigh LOVES to give kisses...almost as much as he LOVES to steal Ethan's pacifer!
I think he is mostly in shock that I laid Ethan in his lap...almost like the forbidden fruit was handed to him!!
Ethan looks a bit more comfy in this position, this was about the 90th kiss since we started this little 3 minute photo shoot!

Such precious little boys!!

Wesleigh is in a phase of LOVING books. He also loves the boppy pillow, and that is his "preferred" reading spot. He likes to look at them, and pretends to read them. It is adorable. Nevermind that half the time the book is upside down when he is reading it, but it is still adorable and wonderful. Oftentimes he will bring us a book, but after the first page he is usually ready to move on to something else. The only time that he will really sit still for a book is at bed time when he knows he needs to drink his milk and listen to the story in order to buy a few more minutes out of the bed!! I absolutely LOVE to read. I haven't found the time in the past 3 weeks to start a new book, but eventually I will again! I hope that I can teach both of my boys to love reading as much as I do. I will do anything to continue to foster a love of books and reading for Wesleigh. Their daddy hates to read, mostly because it has never been easy for him, and it frustrates him, so we are both very hopeful that they can love books and reading like me, instead of hating it like their father!! He has plenty of other wonderful skills and traits that they can learn from him!! Of course, his love of reading requires me to return all the books back to the bookshelf several times a day, but I'll take it!!
In this picture, he actually has 2 copies of "Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?? in his hands. I honestly didn't know we had 2 copies of that book!
Dont' look too closely or you will see that the book is upside down, but that didn't stop him from jabbering, I mean reading away!!


Dacia said...

congrats on your winning recipe! what an accomplishment! i think I'm more impressed that you braved revival every night with both boys!

also, i love the pictures of the boys together--and we are in the same boat with the book issue with much as i hate putting them back on the shelf several times a day...i know it's worth it. my friend has a book basket instead and i'm envious of it every time i'm restocking the shelves. :-)

Anonymous said...

No, you are just becoming me. ;-) I won the chili cook-off in Beeville the exact same way -- mixed a few recipies, added some stuff I think was necessary, etc. Garrick's been asking for that chili for 10+ years. :) It has never been re-made (or even attempted). Glad you are so happy at home!!

Jennifer Owens said...

How fun that you won the chili cook off! I've never been brave enough to try to make my own. Chili to me is a can of ranch style beans, ground beef and a few seasonings thrown in!

Your boys are precious Kelly!