Monday, April 13, 2009

My Sweet, Crazy Boys!

Wesleigh seems to be feeling better. We went to the chiropractor this afternoon. Mommy, Daddy, and Wesleigh all got adjusted, but Ethan didn't need it!! Then, we went to Jaedyn's T-Ball game for about 40 minutes until Ethan had had enough wind!

Some random pictures from the past few weeks!!

This was tonight before bed...somehow the silly little fella got his foot out between the snappies!!
One of the pictures I took during our 2 month photo shoot!

Cutie at Nana's last week.
Look how strong I am.
One of the best from the 2 month photo shoot.

When Wesleigh is Quiet.............................

you better go investigate!!
He had a blast with the Kleenex!
Eating popcorn with Daddy! He was a total grump on day about 3 weeks ago, sitting eating popcorn with daddy was his happiest time of day.
I heard him playing in the entry way...just singing, so I went to see what he was doing and he was more than comfy in his brother's carseat!! Crazy kid!!


The Shillingburg's said...

Once Brian and I were eating dinner and Ben was in his room and pretty quiet. I told Brian, 'I'm sure he's doing something but the quiet is so nice.' Well he'd somehow gotten my BLEACH pen out of the drawer and had drawn all over his bookshelf. Luckily, we only lost a shirt and pants in the incident. Kids are so sneaky!

ArmyforChrist said...

John's favorite thing to do when he's too quiet is scoop out the laundry detergent and dump it on the floor, or I guess eating diaper rash cream also is up there.

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