I just love little kid pajamas!! They fit so tight and hug those little pot bellies!! Is there anything more adorable??? I don't necesarily love putting them on, Wesleigh thinks that you are killing him when you put his clothes on him, and when they fit skin tight it adds an all new dynamic!! I even bought all of Wesleigh's winter PJ's in a size 18 months, and his normal clothes are just know 12 months!!
We took these pictures last night while playing on the floor after bath and before bed!! The pouty/upset pictures are some of my favorites. That is the result of mommy not letting him play with her $500 camera! What a mean mommy!!
Oh my gosh, I love baby pjs too!!!!!!! That has always been my downfall...have you been to a Carter's outlet?? That is a dangerous place for me...if not, find one and go!!
great job on the blog!!!
i love kid pj's too! i just transitioned ellie to them on her one year birthday. they are so cute.
also, after bathtime/before bedtime is my favorite time of day!! clean, happy baby and the anticipation of a few hours of peace and quiet before my bedtime. :-)
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