Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Trip to San Angelo

Last weekend was long, busy, and wonderful! We crossed back into Texas for the weekend, and I must admit, I get so excited when we cross that Texas state line!! I love Texas and am a Texan thru and thru!!! Anyhoo, we had to go back to San Angelo for a Saturday of parties!!

The trip to San Angelo was an adventure to say the least. We went thru Hobbs, NM, which is an interesting dump of a town. Halfway through town the road we were on took a detour, and we followed the detour signs around town down these podunk little backroads, then the detour signs left us hanging!! We were lost in the middle of no where, and eventually ended up back on the road that we belonged on, but it was a good 20 minute delay.

Then, we had a hungry little boy, so we stopped at McDonalds in Seminole, and no lie it took us 30 minutes to get food to go. It was rediculous!! He ate like a pig though. He ate 2 whole chicken nuggets and a bunch of french fries!! The rest of the trip was just long. I have a girlfriend from graduate school who lives in between Lamesa and Big Spring. I called her while we driving through the area and we were chatting away...then I saw these flashing red lights off in the distance...thousands of them. Ky told me those were wind generators. It was insane. There was literally thousands of them. The pictures were obviously taken the on our way home on Sunday!

We finally made it to San Angelo at Gran and G-Pa's house around 10:30. Wesleigh was definately ready for bed and Guy and Jaedyn were already snoozing!!

Saturday morning everyone but me and Wesleigh went to see Aunt Jackie's new house that she has a contract to purchase on. Wesleigh stayed home to take a nap! Then we went to the Anniversary party. Grandaddy and Grandmommy (Jack's parents) have been married 60 years! Wow, that is a long time!! As most marriages they've been through a lot, but nothing compares to the past few years since Grandmommy's diagnosis with ALS. Their lives have changed in every way. She is truely dependent on him for everything! We are all just thankful for each new day we have with her.
There was a great turn out for the Anniversary party, lots of people came to honor their 60 years together! The big kids had a blast and played throughout the party. Wesleigh had a total meltdown during the party, because it is normally naptime. He never fell asleep, but he laid in his stroller, perfectly still for about an hour!! Then it was off to Guy and Jaedyn's joint birthday party at the park. Guy is 8 and Jaedyn will be 5 on the 15th of October. It was a great party, many many thanks to Gran for all the coordinating and preparation!! They got some cook new stuff. Jaedyn is totally into Barbie's right now, and Guy is anything boy. He still loves Legos, and all things boy!! Wesleigh ended up hanging out with Aunt Dena. He actually fell asleep just sitting in her lap. Those of you that know my boy very well, know how unlike Wesleigh this was!! He doesn't sit still long enough to fall asleep, especially in someone's lap that he doesn't know that well. He likes Aunt Dena, he just doesn't get to see her that much. But, she had the perfect, comfortable lap for that day's nap! Thanks Aunt Dena for lovin' on our boy!!
Aunt Jackie and Jerry thought that it would be fun to feed Wesleigh a cupcake with bright blue icing. I told them, I didn't care, but they had to take his clothes off and they had to clean him up when they were done. They were hoping he would have a nasty poopy diaper with neon green poop, but it didn't happen. He just looks like he ate a smurf!!
By the day's end we were all exhausted!! It was home to Gran and G-Pa's house for baths and bed!! The adults didn't make it 1 minute past the kid's bedtimes!!
Sunday morning was spent hanging out as a family. I had to run into San Angelo to go to SAMS and Target!! We had lunch with Jackie and her crowd and Gran and G-Pa. Shortly after that, we headed out for our long adventure back home! We came home a different way than we went, and it seemed a little shorter and faster!!