Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Birthday!! A look back at 12 months!

Never before has ONE single moment or experience in my life changed me so much. Becoming a mommy is hands down the single most incredible thing that has happened to me. I love it. It is what I was born to do. Even through the frustrating and trying moments, it is rewarding and wonderful. I grew him for 9 long months. I dreamed about what he would look like and who he would become. Then, I pushed out his rather large head after an hour and a half of pushing, and from that moment on I am forever changed.

How has such a little critter taught me so much? He has taught me to love others before myself. He has taught me to cherish the simpliest of moments. He has made me laugh through tears. He has made me want to pull my hair out and squeeze him till he pops all at the same time.
Most of all he has taught me to love more and greater than I ever thought possible. I am so thankful to my precious little boy for all the many life lessons that he has taught me just within his first year of life. And, I am incredibly greatful to God for choosing me to be his mommy and charging me with raising and adoring him!I look forward to many many many many more years as his mommy and many more life lessons yet to come.
Here are some pictures to highlight the last 12 start from birth scroll to the bottem of this post!!!

Birthday fun!!
birthday cheeser1 year birthday fun

11 months

11 months old at the park

10 month Monkey Halloween

10 month pumpkin fun

10 month cutie

9 months

8 month cutie

8 months

7 month fun

7 months...introduce the baby gates!!

7 months

6 months...I learned to crawl...and hate anything that ties me more jumperoo, exersaucer....nothing...Mommy's life definately changed!!

6 month cutie
5 month photo shoot
Super baby at 5 months...he was always so good at turning his bib into a cape
During 5th Month
4th month yummy toes
4th month bath fun
3rd month up close
During 3rd month
During 2nd month
During 1st month
First night home from the hospital
When my life changed FOREVER!!!
Just minutes old...


ArmyforChrist said...

My favorite picture is the bathtime one. I love his smile!! How neat to go back and look through the months and see how much they've changed. I love that you did that!

Anonymous said...

What memories! Keep documenting all throughout the years.