Thursday, December 18, 2008

I NEVER Would Have Guessed...

If you would have asked me before, I never would have guessed that I would be taking my baby to his 12 month check up on the same day that I have my 32 week pregnancy appointment!!! 32 weeks....that means we are getting VERY close...!!!!

My boys are both doing well. Wesleigh weighed 20 pounds 2 ounces and was 31.5 inches long. That puts him in the 95th percentile for his height and the 20th percentile for his weight. The doctor asked us try and sneak any extra calories possible in throughout the day. He is just a tall and skinny little booger!!

Ethan is growing right on target, heartbeat is 140 as it always is. He is very consistent. He has discovered how much fun it is to play on my cervix and it is the kind of play that almost takes me to my knees at times!! Gotta love those boys!!

We are having a busy family Christmas weekend, and I hope that everyone is doing well!!

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