Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You????

Have you ever read Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?? Have you ever read Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You??... 50 times in one day?????

I have!! I have!!! I have!!!!

Wesleigh recently discovered this book and we read it NON-STOP! On Friday, I had just finished reading it 4 times in a row, with no break when I hear Jim's keys jiggling in the door!! Wesleigh got excited because his daddy was home, and I was excited to see Jim, but really excited because he saved me from reading it for a 5th time in a row!!!!

I love that he likes reading, I just wish that we could shake up the book choices a bit! But, for now, it is all Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You??!! I am hoping that the love of reading starts with one book at a time, and if that means that I need to read the same book 399 million times to keep him loving books, then that is what I will happily do!! I love to read, and I hope to pass that along to both of my boys.

So, until further notice....Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You???

1 comment:

Momma Bear said...

oh lord! We read this book so many times over the summer, i think we finally hid it. I'm with you. I can almost recite the whole dang thang still. Congrats on your new baby!